Zur Homepage von Johann Lauer
Connecting tradition and progress



On this page you will only find my English-language publications. You can find a complete overview of all publications here: Publikationen.

ORCID iD: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8769-0371.

ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID (digital identifier) - QR:

ORCiD Johann Lauer

Academia.edu: drjohannlauer.academia.edu.


 Philosophy of Political Science
 Practical Sciences
 Practical Political Science


 European Union
 Social Security
 Internet/Generative AI


 Focal Points of Research
 Curriculum Vitae

Monographs Seitenanfang
  • 2025a: Philosophy of Political Science. Limits and possibilities of political science research: the axiological, epistemic, methodological and ontological foundations of political science.

  • 2018: “Methodenstreit” and Political Science.
    The Methodological War at the Beginning of the 21st Century between the Scientistic Establishment and the Phronetic Perestroikans.
Articles Seitenanfang

Philosophy of Political Science Practical Sciences Practical Political Science European Union

Social Security Internet/Generative AI Research focuses Publications Curriculum Vitae

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E-Mail: johann@lauer.biz Print page Pfeil-Rechts   Pfeil-Rechts

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